Who is Neha Jhalani Hiranandani Darshan Hiranandani wife is an acclaimed writer named Neha Jhalani Hiranandani. She is the child of businessman Pradeep Jhalani and his wife Shabnam Jhalani, who reside in Delhi. The pair tied the knot on March 18, 2009. They have two kids together. Neha and Darshan have a dynamic cooperation that benefits from Neha's literary interests and Darshan's commercial ability. Darshan Hiranandani's journey to success is intricately intertwined with Darshan Hiranandani Wife , Neha Jhalani Hiranandani, his beloved wife and confidante. Born into the illustrious Jhalani. The union of Darshan and Neha represents a perfect synergy of minds and hearts, where their individual strengths complement each other to form a formidable partnership. While Darshan's name is synonymous with innovation and groundbreaking ventures, Neha's influence behind the scenes is equally profound. As his confidante and sounding board, Neha provides invaluable insights...
Meet the Literary Giants: Notable Speakers at Jaipur Literature Festival 2024 | Neha Jhalani Hiranandani
The Jaipur Literary Festival (JLF) is famous for bringing literary giants from all over the globe, and the 17th iteration was no different. From acclaimed authors to major award winners, the festival line-up featured several speakers who held their fans entranced with their enlightening perspectives, stories, and knowledge. In the list of notable speakers were names like Arundhathi Subramaniam, Gulzar, Sudha Murthy, Vishal Bhardwaj, Neha Jhalani Hiranandani and many more. All of whom added a layer of glamour to the event. The themes of these literary giants hence guaranteed an unforgettable experience and plenty of knowledge about creativity and wisdom. At the Jaipur Literature Festival 2024, a panel including Neha Jhalani Hiranandani , Shivani Sibal, and Marcus du Sautoy, along with Priyanka Khanna, discussed the complexities and nuances of parenting in the context of online gaming, learning, and social media, offering diverse perspectives and insights into this rapi...